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ASC Provider Briefing - 13 October 2023

Dear Care Provider Colleagues,

Welcome to this week's briefing.

We don't have many new updates however we do have our usual reminders for you. In this edition, you can find:
Important guidance protecting those at a severe risk of Covid-19, a survey around shaping policies for Equipment in Care Homes, a reminder of Flu Vaccine Eligibility, an opportunity to be an Early Adopter of Pairly, details about Upcoming LEMs, and webinars on international recruitment in Social Care, as well as the normal event reminders.

Don’t forget you can now access all latest news, information, and events
via our provider-facing website:

Please find the latest news and updates from Adult Social Care below:

REMINDER: Guidance focused on protecting those most at risk of severe outcomes from Covid-19.

Hospital discharge

The hospital admission section to clarify that evidence of the lateral flow device (LFD) test result should be communicated by hospitals to care homes whether this is positive or negative.

A negative test result is not a requirement for admission as people who test positive for COVID-19 can be admitted if the care home is satisfied, they can be cared for safely and follow guidance for residents who test positive.

Individuals being discharged from hospital into a care home should be tested with a COVID-19 LFD test within 48 hours before planned discharge. This test should be provided and done by the hospital.

The result of the test should be shared with the individual and their key relatives or advocate. The relevant care should be provided within the hospital before the discharge takes place. Evidence of the LFD test result should be communicated by hospitals to care homes in writing within the usual communications provided at the time of discharging a patient to a care home.
Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 can be admitted to the care home if the home is satisfied, they can be cared for safely. Individuals who are admitted with a positive test result should be kept away from other residents on arrival and should follow the guidance on care home residents who test positive for COVID-19.
The period individuals should stay away from others is from the day after the positive test and does not restart when the individual is admitted into the care home. If the individual has already tested positive before the planned discharge, they do not need to test again if they continue to have symptoms of a respiratory infection and feel unwell or have a high temperature.

Community admission
Individuals admitted from the community or other care settings do not need to be tested before they are admitted into the care home.

COVID-19 supplement to the infection prevention and control resource for adult social care - GOV.UK (

REMINDER: Equipment in Care Homes Policy

As many of you are aware, a new equipment provider is now in place (Medequip) in Somerset and, as a result we are reviewing the Equipment in Care Homes policy. It is critical that Somerset Council understands how this policy works for our care home providers and what can be done to improve its usefulness for everyone. With budgets under strain in both the private and public sector, we need to find new ways of working that will continue to support our customers. So, we are asking our care home providers if they could please complete a survey for us (link below). The questionnaire should take approximately 10-15 minutes and will help shape our how we take this policy forward.

Equipment in Care Homes Policy Review Questionnaire

The deadline for completing the questionnaire is 5pm Friday the 20th of October 2023. If you have any problems with the link or questions about the survey, please email

REMINDER: Flu Vaccine

All frontline health and social care staff are eligible for a free NHS flu vaccine. Bring ID that states job title when attending the appointment.

Anyone can get flu and pass it on. The flu vaccine is effective at stopping this. Catching flu can make us seriously unwell, resulting in days in bed, missing things we enjoy doing, and not being able to do easy day-to-day tasks.

Getting the flu vaccination can prevent us from spreading flu to each other, protecting those who are vulnerable and reducing the burden on the NHS and other health and care services. Additionally, it will help us stay well.

More information here: NHS England » Book your flu vaccine and your COVID-19 vaccine.

See Also: NHS Somerset and Somerset Council welcomes the rollout of the winter flu and Covid-19 vaccination programme
Screenshot 2023-10-06 145214


Pairly, having successfully run it's PairlyPro service live on a number of home care services for the last 6 weeks is excited to announce that the system is now ready for launch for care and nursing homes.
Information can be found on the following link -
The system allows people seeking a bed in a care home who visit your site to view available rooms (including pictures of those rooms, facilities, and features) and send a reservation request.
We are looking for 3 or 4 early adopter care home providers who will receive help with their set up of PairlyPro and receive it for free for 2 years.
Any interested parties please contact


REMINDER: LEM Agenda for October, November, and December

Get the dates in your diary!

7th November
Service updates to be confirmed – please contact for a slot
2:15pm Natalie Green – Safeguarding
2:45pm Covid Vaccination team
3:00pm Kate Buckly – Swan Advocacy
3:30pm Liz Jones – insulin training offer for residential homes

5th December
2:00pm Lucy Champion – I&PC update
2:15pm Gemma Beasley – residential and nursing homes - where are we going and what do we want to do,
3:00pm Atha and Deb – CSE – keep your home warm presentation.
3:30pm Amelia Wood – Contractures guidance

Please do get in touch if you would like a specific topic, training, guest speaker to attend. The LEMS are a resource for you, our Somerset Care Providers!
Skills for Care

REMINDER: International recruitment webinar series

The Department of Health and Social Care, in partnership with Skills for Care, have put together a series of webinars on international recruitment for organisations of all sizes, who are looking to expand their workforce internationally.
There will be three webinars in total, covering topics covering topics such as building a business case for international recruitment, the sponsorship licence process and how to identify a good recruitment agency. Only two webinars are left so book your places soon. These webinars will run on Zoom, and you can book your spaces at the Skills for Care Website along with more information on the webinars at: International recruitment webinar series (
The remaining webinars are as follows:

Webinar two - Thursday 02 November 2023, 10:00 - 11:00
Managing sponsor duties – highlighting sponsor errors, requirements and providing UKVI information.

Webinar three- Tuesday 28 November 2023, 10:00 - 11:00
Recruitment and employment process – working with agencies, how to spot good and bad agencies, employment expectations.

Upcoming Event and Training Reminders

See all the details of upcoming Events (

What Good Looks Like for digital working in adult social care – webinars

Earlier this year (16 May), the Department of Health and Social Care published a What Good Looks Like (WGLL) framework to support digital working in adult social care (ASC).

The framework brings together the needs of councils and care providers into one piece of guidance to help develop a shared understanding of how to work better together digitally.

The Local Government Association is hosting a series of free webinars for councils following the launch of the WGLL framework for digital ASC.

The webinars will explore each of the seven success measures from the framework and attendees will hear from councils who share their learning.

Please register using the links below:

    Please continue to share or promote these briefings and our webpage to others in your organisations.

    Best wishes

    Somerset’s Provider Engagement Team

    Proud to Care
    Website: Somerset Provider Engagement Network
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